Standard Equipment
BeerShop24 units consist of a modular structure which is able to adapt to each business necessity. These machines are based on the most advanced technological solutions and for this reason they offer top performances to owners and users.
No doubt, BeerShop24 represents the most modern and innovative vending machines.
Antivandal structure
BeerShop24 are solidly equipped with an external reinforced steel structure, specifically treated to prevent any future oxidization. In addition they are bake-painted to increase resistance and to keep their external appearance unaltered in time.
Ticket printer for failed deliveries
A printer is provided to issue notes in case of failed deliveries of product or change. In addition it allows the owner to print all information about machine operations directly from the unit: takings, sales statistics, system configuration, etc.
Instructions display
A small TFT color display is placed in the top part of the service column. It supplies the users with all the instructions necessary to purchase the desired product. Thanks to its brilliance, instructions are well visible both during the night and under the sun.
Banknote reader
The banknote reader installed on BeerShop24 is a device which recognizes legal banknotes of the chosen currency. It includes an anti-dust and sunlight protection system to prolong lens life and to prevent reading mistakes. It is one of the safest and most reliable banknote readers on the market.
Coin changer
The coin changer is a device used to pay and give change in coins. The electronic MDB coin changer supplied with BeerShop24 is one of the most reliable and sophisticated in the world. It accepts and gives change in most common coins sizes.
GSM/GPRS remote control
BeerShop24 units are supplied with a GSM system allowing telemetry, monitoring and remote operation control from any place.
Backlighted buttons
The unit is equipped with button for the beverage selection. The buttons are backlighted to indicate the availability od the selection. The red button is used to stop dispensiong or close the session. The buttons are vandalism resistant, an are specifically developed for units exposed to the weather even in unguarded conditions.
Premix tap system
Composed by a cooling tank for coils and its refrigerating system. The tank contains water and two inox steel coils where beverages to be cooled flow. The tank is polyurethane foam insulated to reduce thermic dispersion. The coils are connected to beverages dispensing tubes. Also these tubes are insulated and cooled through a water recycling system that uses pumped tank content. The system is equipped with a mechanic thermostat for cooling water temperature regulation.
Beverage flow Micro Regulator
For each beverage there is an anti foam flow rate limiter for precise regulation. The regulator has 3/8" plug and is provided with a fastening clamp and setting block.
CO2 Pressure regulator group
Composed by a main pressure gauge connected to CO2 tank, and by a pressure reducer with gauge for each beverage, regulating the gas pressure entering the barrel.
Dispenser 200 glasses 400cc
Made in inox steel, it is composed by a superior rotatable container of plastic glasses holding up to 200 pieces of 400cc and a lower zone of glass dispensing. Both upper and lower parts are equipped with sensors to detect the presence of glasses.