The ability to offer products that work automatically has been a dream pursued by modern civilizations for centuries.

Historians report of an automatic vendor in service in the second half of the II century B.C.: it was operated by coins and dispensed blessed water in temples. The inventor was  Heron of Alexandria (Egypt, 10 B.C. – 70 B.C.), an engineer, physicist  and mathematician who also invented the first steam machine. 

Many centuries elapsed and in 1880, at the beginning of the industrial age, the first vending machines appeared in London to dispense post cards and books.

Starting from 1897 Thomas Adams’ chewing gum was sold by vendors  installed in station halls in the United States. Who didn’t buy a gum ball at these machines?

This was the beginning of an unstoppable process, with the first vendor manufacturers starting the production of units destined to sell the most different items. Since then, vending machines have been steadily improved, thus becoming more and more part of our everyday life.

Today we can get a large variety of items and services from automatic vending machines: fresh beverages, movie rentasl, telephone cards, tickets for events, air tickets, hotel reservations, bank operations, etc.

The technological progress has allowed these machines to adapt to a lot of sectors: as a consequence the number of products to be marketed has increased and service quality has improved.

This phenomenon is steadily growing and is strongly conditioned by social factors, such as the lack of free time and the labor cost, which require quick solutions at any time with a minimum effort. In addition we are getting more and more accustomed to automatic devices and computerized systems, and we are ready to accept automatic vendors to be placed more and more frequently everywhere (offices, companies, shops of any kind, public areas, etc.)

These new machines are precise, reliable, attractive, highly sophisticated and easy to use. They can meet all requirements quickly and comfortably at any time, night and day.

As Henry Ford said: "True progress puts technology at everyone’s service”.

With BeerShop24 PharmaShop24 takes advantage of the most advanced technology in the automatic vending sector to improve the services offered to customers and, at the same time, to produce a significant increase in turnovers.

By installing a BeerShop24 machine you can:

"The shop keeper has the possibility to increase their profits and capitalize all their commercial opportunities".


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